How to Reserve a University Facility or Space
- Contact the scheduling coordinator for the facility or space you want to use to check on its availability.
- Complete the required forms to reserve the facility or space.
- When reserving facilities for events or activities, the event planner will consider (a) whether the requested location is suitable for the event or activity, and (b) whether health and safety concerns require special precautions or arrangements (e.g., security staff; Emergency Medical Service personnel; other security; insurance requirements; and related loss prevention measures).
- Reservations for facilities and spaces are generally decided on a first-come, first-served basis. Occasions may arise when an official University activity takes precedence for use of an already scheduled space. In the event rescheduling is necessary, the event planner will work with the individual or organization sponsoring the displaced activity to find suitable alternative locations and times that are reasonable under the circumstances.
- Every event is unique, bringing with it specific risks and requirements. Events may be evaluated for the likelihood and consequences of potential risks.
- The department or unit that reserves and oversees the facility or space will provide an agreement to the party requesting the reservation that defines the date, time and location for the event or activity and expectations for security, insurance, and safety regarding the event along with any additional special requirements.
- The reservation is complete when the agreement is signed by both parties and all expectations and requirements are met.
University Facilities and Spaces Reservations
Academic Buildings for non-class purposes
Conference Services
Alumni Center, Suite 105
(309) 438-2403
Non-Academic Facility Use Request Form
Procedures for Use of General Revenue Facilities
Alumni Center
Conference Services
Alumni Center, Suite 105
(309) 438-2403
Non-Academic Facility Use Request Form
Procedures for Use of General Revenue Facilities
Athletic Facilities
Includes Redbird Arena, Horton Fieldhouse, Horton Pool, athletic fields, tennis courts
Athletics Department
Redbird Arena, Room 223
(309) 438-2000
Procedures for Use of Athletic Facilities
Bone Student Center
Includes Braden Auditorium
Event Management, Dining and Hospitality
Bone Student Center, Room 106
(309) 438-2222
Bone Student Center Room Request Form
Procedures for Use of Bone Student Center Facilities
Campus Recreation Facilities
Includes Student Recreation Building, McCormick Hall, Gregory Street Fields, Bowling and Billiards Center
Campus Recreation
Student Fitness Center, Suite 103
(309) 438-8426
Campus Recreation Facility Request Form
Procedures for Use of Campus Recreation Facilities
Ewing Cultural Center
Ewing Cultural Center
48 Sunset Road, Bloomington, IL
(309) 438-6333
Lab Schools
Metcalf School, University High School
Conference Services
Alumni Center, Suite 105
(309) 438-2403
Non-Academic Facility Use Request Form
Procedures for Use of General Revenue Facilities
Outdoor Space
Includes Milner Plaza, People’s Park, Quad, Redbird Plaza, Schroeder Plaza, Stevenson Plaza, Turner Hall-East Lawn
Conference Services
Alumni Center, Suite 105
(309) 438-2403
Non-Academic Facility Use Request Form
Procedures for Use of General Revenue Facilities
Parking Areas
Parking and Transportation
709 N. Main Street, Normal, IL
(309) 438-8391
Residence Halls
Includes lobbies, meeting rooms, and green space surrounding residence halls
Hewett and Manchester Halls
Area Office
(309) 438-4534
Area Office
(309) 438-0728
Watterson Towers
Area Office
(309) 438-4534
University Housing Services
Procedures for use of Residence Hall spaces
Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts Facilities
Centennial East (Kemp Recital Hall, Classroom Spaces)
School of Music Office, Centennial East, Room 230
(309) 438-3839
Centennial West (Westhoff Theatre, Classroom Performance Spaces)
School of Theatre and Dance, Centennial West, Room 212
(309) 438-8784
Center for the Performing Arts
(309) 438-3586
Center for the Performing Arts Request Form